Friday, April 16, 2010


The University of Arkansas Full-time MBA program was recently ranked 25th of all public graduate schools by Us News and World Report. This is a huge deal. Not only were we ranked 25th in the nation, but we are 3rd in the SEC, and 1st in the SEC West. The ranking is based on information from our class concerning GPA, GMAT, work experience, etc. So, that is a pretty cool feeling.

This ranking really speaks to the quality of education you receive when getting a Walton MBA. As I have said, I have been very impressed with the professors, administration and fellow classmates throughout this whole experience. It's nice to see others recognizing that as well.

Currently, I am in a weird place. I just got over a crazy couple weeks, and now I am about to enter a crazy couple weeks. But, over the past couple days, things have been relatively calm. It's nice, but also annoying. I would rather just finish up everything and relax later.