Took a much needed break from school work last Sunday and went and saw Shutter Island. It was really boring, which is unfortunate, because I really like Scorsese movies. While there, we saw John
Pelphrey walking out of a movie at the same time we were walking out of Shutter Island. That guy is super tall, which is dumb to say because you expect him to be tall since he played basketball in college, but still, his tallness surprised me. Since we lost to the
winless in conference
LSU tigers last night, this is probably what
Pell is doing right now....

Went to the University of Arkansas career fair this past week. Past career fairs had always been disappointing due to a lack of interest from recruiters, but this time was different. I think it mostly had to do with graduating in a couple months as
opposed to a year. I actually had one interview stemming from the fair, and think I might have at least two more down the road. But we'll see. I have learned not to get too hopeful or discouraged in this job hunt.
Other than that, not much going on. My team got second place in a cereal selling simulation game using SAP. It was nice retribution from my
Markstrat days, in which my team got last out of the whole class.
No plans for this weekend yet, expect for getting some rest. I am exhausted.