Got up early this morning and took my car to Wal*Mart to get an oil change and to have my tires rotated and balanced. I purchased the tires I currently have on my car in 2006, at the time they asked me if I wanted to purchase lifetime balance and rotation for 8 bucks a tire, which I did. Since then, I have balanced and rotated my tires 4 times, for free. Actually, by this time, I have made money on the deal. It made me think, man, I am really sticking it to Wal*Mart on this one, then I realized, while getting my tires worked on, I spent 40 bucks on an oil change, and almost 200 on groceries. Wal*Mart wins again.
While I waited on my car, I built a "goals" speadsheet for the next two years. I like building spreadsheets and budgets and stuff like that, I don't know why, I just do. Anyway, with my spreadsheet I can enter in a prospective salary of a job and see if it will allow for Steph and I to reach a couple of our goals the first two years out of the MBA program. The spreadsheet accounts for all of our expenses, which can be adjusted to any cost of living change we experience if we move. So, now I know for sure what kind of salary I need, what kind I want and what kind I would be thrilled with.
Got inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma society. It is a pretty cool honor considering before

entering the MBA program I had never taken a business course in my life. I graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology, so the type of course work I experienced in the MBA program was something very foreign to me. I would be more excited about it if I had already reached my ultimate goal of finding post graduate work. Being inducted in this society, and even my upcoming graduation, is hard to fully enjoy knowing at this point I will be unemployed in two months. But, I am trying to stay positive....