This is my dog, Swayze. As the title of this post suggests, he loves baked Cheetos (among other foods). Why am I writing about this? For no good reason, that's why. The past couple of weeks have been terrible. Two tests, a big group project, GA work and a couple job interviews that came out of nowhere made for a hectic couple weeks. Today, I met with my mentor for the first time, and since then, I have been taking advantage of a well deserved afternoon off. It has been great. I watched some TV, did a little laundry, went to the gym, and shared some Cheetos with my dog. Tomorrow the plan is to tailgate all day before the final Razorback game in Fayetteville this year. I am thinking about trying to get ahold of some tickets. I haven't been to a game yet this year and I usually try to go to one. Anyway, the point of all this is that I am chilling out today and tomorrow before it is back to the school grind Sunday.
The semester is coming to a close which means that I am almost 66.66% done with the Walton MBA program. I wonder what I'll be doing one year from this exact point in my life? I honestly have no idea. That's pretty cool.