Just wanted to mention something really cool. We just received a bunch of new Bloomberg terminals in our trading center. When before we only had 2, now we have like 12. In addition, tomorrow and Saturday we are having all day Bloomberg training sessions. This kind of experience will really come in handy when interviewing for finance positions. The only problem is that part of the training is on Saturday. Not only am I not a fan of doing anything school related on Saturdays, but the training is also during a Hog football game. We are playing Mississppi State this weekend, and it should be a good opportunity to see the Hogs actually beat a SEC team. I am going to record it and try my best to not have the outcome spolied before I can get home and watch it, but that usually never happens.
Super ready for the holidays. So far, my professors have been very cordial with the amount of work assigned over the holidays, but we still have three days worth of classes to go, so there is ample opportunity for them to lame out turkey day.