Watched a couple movies I had already seen the past couple days. The first was 2001: A Space Odyssey. In watching it I was reminded of the fact that this movie came out in 1968, and at the time probably blew people's minds. Since then, advancements in special effects and copycat versions of Kubrick's space traveling escapades have dampened some of the movie's effect, but it still is weird as hell and definitely leaves you with more questions than answers once its all over. But, that was the intention of the movie. Even though everyone picks up on themes of evolution, the evils of technology and alien life, few people could probably totally agree and what is really going on in the movie. Which, for me, makes it pretty cool.
Last night, I rewatched Inglorious Bastards, and I liked it way more than the first time I saw it. I am a pretty big Kill Bill fan, and it seemed like Tarantino used some of the same music and visuals in IB, which I found distracting. Also, it bothered me that in the English subtitles when someone spoke French sometimes "Oui" was spelled "Yes" and sometimes it was kept French and spelled "Oui". I wouldn't care which one he used as long as he was consistent. Anyway, the scene in the basement where they are meeting up with the German double agent is really freaking awesome. It was even more awesome that Steph fell asleep during that scene only to be awoken when the guns started going off. It scared the crap out of her, and made me laugh and laugh and laugh......