Haven't posted in a while, mainly because I started working with a contractor friend of mine, and I have pretty much been exhausted during each and every moment of my free time. It has been fun. But as the title of this post suggests, we have just come off a monumentally bad weekend for two reasons.
One, we went floating. Sounds harmless enough, right? And it would have been if either Steph or I had ever been floating. We went with a large group of people and had expected to both be paired up with experienced canoers, but that's not how it ended up. We ended up together. We floated the Mulberry which we hear is not the best river to learn how to canoe on. Long story short, we tipped (a lot), got dragged along rocks, and I lost my wedding ring. It was 6 hours of misery.
Two, and the main reason for the crappy weekend, Steph lost her job.
So, we are pretty ready for some good things to come our way.