Friday, March 27, 2009

The Finish Line

Found out yesterday that our last final this semester will be on May 5th. It's a cool feeling knowing that the end is getting close. It's not cool when I realize the amount of work that needs to be done between now and then. So, so, so much to do.

One of the tasks I need to address soon is which tract I will choose to pursue as I continue my graduate education. The Walton College offers four different tracts: marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and supply chain. Right now I can't decide between finance and marketing. Marketing would fit better with my psychology background, but finance really appeals to me. I like them both, and I don't think I would be making a mistake choosing one over the other, but my decision will affect the rest of my time in school so I want to make the best choice. More and more I lean toward marketing, especially since I'm not opposed to staying in this area, and with the size of the vendor community in Northwest Arkansas, it would make a lot of sense.

My weekend officially started about 1 hour ago, after I finished my finance test. It's not due until Tuesday, so I have some time to review and double check my answers before I turn it in.

No real plans this weekend, besides relaxing. I might go to the gym tomorrow, and I need to buy some cereal, but that's it.